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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags linux & "linux windows"

April 2010

Dual boot de Windows 7 e Vista com Linux sem usar o GRUB

Dual boot de Windows 7 e Vista com Linux sem usar o GRUB Dicas do Guia do Hardware Um problema comum para quem tem dual boot com Windows e Linux é a configuração do gerenciador de boot, o GRUB. O gerenciador do Windows não permite inicializar um sistema Linux facilmente, e o Windows sempre sobrescreve a MBR quando é instalado. E o contrário também pode ocorrer algumas vezes. Com um HD só nunca tive problemas, mas atualmente com três (dois SATA e um IDE) nunca consegui configurar o GRUB corretamente, mesmo seguindo vários tutoriais e lendo atentamente as opções, revisando a ordem dos drives no BIOS, etc. Se esse é seu caso, ou se você tem medo das opções do GRUB, pode usar o aplicativo freeware Easy BCD.

June 2009 WindowsPager: Files

You have selected the 0.59 release. Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of files contained in this release WindowsPager: Files

WindowsPager is a pager utility for the Windows XP/Vista Desktop. It fit smoothly into the Desktop panel. WindowsPager provide unlimited support for so called 'virtual desktops' or 'workspaces'.


WindowsPager Publicado por António Sousa em análises Etiquetas: ambiente trabalho virtual, eeebuntu, windows, windowspager 1 estrela2 estrelas3 estrelas4 estrelas5 estrelas (sem votações) Esta semana, e por influência da minha maior experiência com Eeebuntu, venho falar do WindowsPager. Trata-se de um gestor de ambientes de trabalhos virtuais, muito bem implementado em ambientes Linux. windowspager thumb WindowsPager Embora tenha alguns problemas com determinados programas, mais concretamente Internet Explorer e Winamp, possui uma excelente integração com a maior parte dos programas livres usados em ambientes Windows. Como exemplo posso dizer que fui notificado de uma nova mensagem no Pidgin, da recepção de um novo e-mail pelo thunderbird e do início de uma nova música no aTunes. Isto aconteceu estando sempre num ambiente de trabalho diferente. O WindowsPager possui ainda algumas arestas a limar, mais concretamente de ao escolher um novo ambiente de trabalho, não ficamos com uma ambiente completamente limpo. Ficam sempre abertos os programas na barra inferior do Windows. A iniciativa em si é óptima, podendo assim os utilizadores com receio de fazer a migração para distribuições Linux usufruírem de algumas das suas ferramentas. Não necessita de instalação para ser executado e tem documentação com os passos para configurar e usar o programa ao gosto de cada um. Possui licença GPL versão 2, encontra-se apenas na língua inglesa, funciona em ambientes Windows e pode ser descarregado aqui. Experimentem e digam-me da vossa justiça. Até para a semana, abraço!

Linux com corpinho de XP

Na intenção de facilitar a migração de usuários, algumas distribuições Linux vêm com interface bem semelhante a do Windows XP. Mas, será que é uma boa jogar toda essa interface no Linux? Veja essas distribuições com a cara do Windows XP.

WineHQ - Wine Announcement

Wine Announcement The Wine maintenance release 1.0.1 is now available. This is a maintenance release from the 1.0 stable branch. It contains only translation updates and small bug fixes.

PC Plus (pcplusmag) on Twitter

Hey there! pcplusmag is using Twitter. Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Join today to start receiving pcplusmag's updates

Run Linux Applications on Windows | PC Plus

Run Linux Applications on Windows Install the Windows port of KDE and get instant native compatibility with all kinds of great open source Linux software. Posted June 4th, 2009 - 6 comments - Share This

Run Linux applications on Windows | TuxRadar

Run Linux applications on Windows Posted at 5:35pm on Thursday June 4th 2009 KDE "Why would you want to do that?", you're probably asking. If you can run Linux 24x7 on any machine you come across, great -- but given the ubiquity of Microsoft's OS, chances are you'll end up sitting at a Windows-only PC at some point. Never fear: even if you can't vape the drive and install your favourite distro, you can still get a Linux fix thanks to a new tutorial from our friends on PC Plus: Run Linux applications on Windows. Specifically, it focuses on installing and running KDE in Microsoftland, which isn't as tough as i

April 2009

Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- unetbootin

Package unetbootin * jaunty (utils): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive [universe] 304-1: amd64 i386 * karmic (utils): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive [universe] 304-1: amd64 i386

Lubi, LVPM, UNetbootin, and Bubakup - Bubakup

Download Bubakup Browse all downloads (additional packages for other distros/versions) Introduction Bubakup, the Bootable Ubuntu Backup, is a tool that allows you to create a bootable backup image of your running system. It supports creating uncompressed, bootable loopmounted disk images of the whole or parts of the system, deleting backup disk images, archiving backup disk images using 7-zip, restoring backed-up archived disk images, and LVPM (which is pre-installed in the generated disk images) can be used to restore the backup loopmounted disk image to an actual partition.

UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads

by 7 others (via)
Packages available: Ubuntu Debian openSUSE Gentoo Introduction UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions from Windows or Linux, without requiring you to burn a CD. You can either let it download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list. Requirements * Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista, or Linux. If you are having trouble with the Linux version, try the Windows version, it usually works better. * A broadband internet connection to download the distribution's .iso file (unless you're using pre-downloaded files) Features UNetbootin can create a bootable Live USB drive, or it can make a "frugal install" on your local hard disk if you don't have a USB drive. It can load distributions by automatically downloading their ISO (CD image) files, or by using existing ISO files, floppy/hard disk images, or kernel/initrd files, for installing other distributions.

Lubi, LVPM, UNetbootin, and Bubakup - LVPM

Download LVPM 8.04/7.10/7.04 Download Partition Manager for Windows Download Partition Manager for Ubuntu Browse all downloads (additional packages for other distros/versions) Introduction The Loopmounted Virtual Partition Manager allows users to upgrade their existing Wubi or Lubi installation to a standard Ubuntu system by transferring all data, settings, and applications from the original install to a dedicated partition. The advantages of upgrading using LVPM are better disk performance and reliability, and the ability to replace the original operating system with Ubuntu. Requirements LVPM has been tested on installs created by Wubi 8.04, Wubi 7.10, Wubi 7.04, and Lubi 7.04. Partition Manager (Only Needed If You Don't Have Any Spare Partitions) Before using LVPM, you will need to have 1 spare partition for the root filesystem, and another partition formatted as swap. If you don't have any spare partitions, you can use the Partition Manager tool (short video tutorial here), boot it and open GParted, then resize your partitions and create a swap partition of equal size to your RAM, and the main target ext3 partition. Howtoforge also has a step-by-step screenshot-based guide on using the Partition Manager.

Chapter 2. Setting Up Cygwin

Chapter 2. Setting Up Cygwin Table of Contents Internet Setup Download Source Selecting an Install Directory Local Package Directory Connection Method Choosing Mirrors Choosing Packages Download and Installation Progress Icons Post-Install Scripts Troubleshooting Environment Variables Changing Cygwin's Maximum Memory NT security and usage of ntsec NT security Process privileges File permissions NT SIDs in Cygwin The mapping leak The ACL API New setuid concept Switching User Context Special values of user and group ids Customizing bash


Cygwin Documentation * Cygwin User's Guide * Cygwin API Reference * Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file for Cygwin. Some work remains to be done in documenting the Cygwin API. In addition to the Cygwin API Reference and information in the FAQ, you may want to check source code file winsup/cygwin.din which lists all of the Cygwin DLL exports. We have some preliminary docs on how to profile the Cygwin DLL. Information on building and using DLLs is here. Also note that there is quite a lot of useful information in the project mailing list archives.

oopss - Open Pinball!

Back To Projects Coney Island Screenshots Open Pinball! an open pinball simulator (Previously named oops) Original Author and coordinator: Johan S (email: oopsmail at Goal The goal of this project is to create a fully portable pinball simulator. DEPENDENCIES You must have allegro 4.0 installed. oopss: Files

Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of files. Note that these downloads are from this projects page and the downloads themselves may not be hosted with Super Happy Fun Pinball: Files

You have selected Win32 Binaries Please choose the file that best matches your architecture or operating system from the list of releases and files contained in this package. Super Happy Fun Pinball: Files

CS-Pinball is a pinball game written for the Crystal Space 3d engine. It is written in C , targetting both Windows and Linux platforms. It is intended to be an easy to use platform for building new pinball tables and using features of a 3d engine over Super Happy Fun Pinball

CS-Pinball is a pinball game written for the Crystal Space 3d engine. It is written in C , targetting both Windows and Linux platforms. It is intended to be an easy to use platform for building new pinball tables and using features of a 3d engine over