public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags livecd & sourceforge

October 2007 Files

You have selected to download the 1.0.1-beta release. Below is a list of files contained in this release. Before downloading, you may want to read the release notes. AprendeClick

AprendeClick is a Live CD, contains a collection of interactive and educational soft (most are games) thougth mainly for spanish speakers. Es un CD booteable, contiene software educativo en español, para aprender jugando.

September 2007

August 2007 Software Map

by 2 others
AprendeClick is a Live CD, contains a collection of interactive and educational soft (most are games) thougth mainly for spanish speakers. Es un CD booteable, contiene software educativo en español, para aprender jugando.

June 2007

gparted sourceforge livecd

by 5 others
LiveCD The power and simplicity of GParted on a biz-card size LiveCD. The CD aims to be fast, small in size (~50mb), and use minimal resources to get that disk partitioned the way you want it. GParted LiveCD uses Xorg, the lightweight Fluxbox window manager, and the latest 2.6 Linux Kernel.

LiveCD Download.

LiveCD ISO Image. This is our last FreeBSD LiveCD ISO Image. It's a fully functional FreeBSD 4.6 Repair CD with lots of recovering and diagnosing tools. The full application's list can be found here. The ISO image can be found at: LiveCD Tool Set This is the main tool to create your own LiveCD. At the present time, English and Portuguese languages are available. It will always be found at: