public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags ui & web2.0

May 2007

Juras Vetrau. Блог о веб-разработках

by jvetrau
Менеджер проектов и проектировщик пользовательских интерфейсов. Специализация на веб-разработках — веб-приложениях, интернет- и интранет-системах, порталах и, периодически, средней руки сайтах.

April 2007

The Rules of Toys : Twitter

by sbrothier
Designing with the toy rules is not a solution for all design problems. You might want to employ the toy rules when it's important that your users not only focus on part of your interface, but it's also important that they remember it. Giving your users a toy, an interface that is going to invite them to play, is also going to invite them to explore, and when they're exploring, they're learning.

January 2007

November 2006

September 2006

July 2006

May 2006

March 2006

January 2006

XUL Tutorial

by macroron & 4 others
This tutorial describes XUL, the XML User-interface Language. This language was created for the Mozilla application and is used to define its user interface.

November 2005

Active users

last mark : 15/05/2007 14:21

last mark : 27/04/2007 15:18

last mark : 19/01/2007 14:17

last mark : 26/11/2006 08:56

last mark : 09/09/2006 21:32

last mark : 04/07/2006 11:55

last mark : 23/05/2006 04:35

last mark : 11/03/2006 21:59

last mark : 17/01/2006 21:55