public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Monique with tags webdesign & javascript


Notices [AcceDe Web]

Notice d'accessibilité pour la conception graphique Notice d'accessibilité HTML/CSS Notice d'accessibilité interfaces riches et JavaScript Notice d'accessibilité éditoriale (modèle)


An accessible, keyboard friendly custom select menu | 456 Berea Street

by 1 other

And finally a reminder: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.


We Haven’t Forgotten About Accessibility, Have We? - Monday By Noon

After all, the accessible nature of Web standards was a good argument to those that didn’t stand behind standards, right? Lately I’ve been fearing that we may have in part lost sight of how truly important accessibility is.

Wealthfront Engineering: jQuery the Right Way

jQuery has changed the way we write Javascript by abstracting out much of the painful cross-browser implementation details that used to plague developers, but to use it correctly still requires a little knowledge about what’s going on under the hood.

Javascript Accessibility Guidelines — Hall of Bright Carvings

Purpose: The nature of the internet is that not everyone will receive JavaScript in the way intended. Therefore JavaScript should be applied in a way that enhances the page, rather than requiring it.

Accessibility does not prevent you from using JavaScript or Flash | 456 Berea Street

A common misconception is that in order to make a website accessible you have to abstain from using JavaScript or Flash. Almost every time I hold a workshop on Web standards and accessibility there is at least one participant who believes that accessibility limits what they can do on the Web by telling them to stay away from anything that isn’t pure HTML.


Styled Checkboxes

Accessible, pretty forms developed by Philip Howard (boutons radio et des cases à cocher)

Une nouvelle fenêtre si je veux.

"Nous sommes en mars 2003 au moment où j'écris ces quelques lignes."... mais le problème est toujours d'actualité, hélas !

Traduction : Remplacement Dynamique de Texte

by 10 others
Se contenter des polices traditionnelles pour le corps de texte est intelligent, mais quand on en vient aux titres, de courts blocs de texte destinés à attirer l’attention, il serait agréable d’avoir plus de choix.