public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags generator & bib


COinS Generator

by 2 others
This tool will take bibliographic metadata for a citation and produce a "COinS", i.e. a snippet of HTML that can be placed on a webpage and processed by web tools. The COinS generator also has a built-in link-resolver, so you can generate a COinS by taking any OpenURL query string and appending it to the base URL For more information on COinS, click here.


Le BaRBeRy v 1.0 : Dictionnaire CoRHuPOP (Cognitivo-Rapo-Humoristico-Poético-Oulipo-Psychanalytique)

by 4 others
C'est un dico de rimes ET plus encore. Il peut servir de générateur de mots d’esprit, de lipogrammeur, d’antilipogrammeur, de forge lexicale, de paillasse de rap, de poétisateur… Son cœur: la Barberysation (décomposition monophonématique). MC