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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags webdesign & extension


Connectez Flex et eZ Publish

Vous connaissez Flex ? RIA (Rich Internet Application) de son état, il permet de faire des miracles avec les interfaces utilisateur et est basé sur Flash. Il s'agit en fait d'un framework Open Source simplifiant grandement le développement d'applications web riches basées sur Flash. Mais comment effectuer des transferts de données avec eZ Publish ? Avec sa plateforme Flash, Adobe propose une interface de connexion très efficace et open source : AMF.

Web Developer fr-FR - Traduction française

by 1 other
Traduction française de l'extension Web Developer de Chris Pederick ( Cette magnifique extension propose plein d'outils facilitant le développement de site web.

Link Checker - Extension Firefox

vérifie la validité des liens d'une page web

The Ultimate Joomla Toolbox: Themes, Extensions and Resources | Noupe

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Joomla is one of the most popular CMSs out there, and it’s no surprise considering how extensible it is. The great thing about Joomla is the extensions (components, modules and plugins), that can be added to your Joomla website. This allows the average user to add more functionality and dynamic content to their website without being a developer or programmer. In this post you will find a thorough collection of all kinds of resources that will aid designers and developers working with Joomla-powered websites. This collection is intended to simplify your tasks and save you time when working with Joomla. This post covers essential resources related to Joomla— Themes, Extensions, Tutorials, Forums, Cheat Sheets and Useful Documents.

Palette Grabbe - addons mozilla

Palette Grabber ( qui permet de créer une palette de couleur pour Photoshop, Gimp, etc ... de la page courante.Creates a color palette for Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, GIMP, Flash, Fireworks, Paint.NET, or OS X based on the current page. When I try to load the saved palettes into photoshop I get the following error : "Could not load the swatches because the specified color book cannot be found."


by 4 others
pour re-compresser au maximum de leurs possibilités les pages contenues dans une page. Efficacité maximale.

Dummy Lorem Ipsum - Extension Firefox - texte lorem ipsum

remplir les formulaires avec du texte lorem ipsum qui est une espèce de pseudo latin afin de simuler du contenu pour votre site

Measure It

by 1 other
MeasureIt - Aide à la mesure précise des dimensions des éléments d'un page, à l'aide de la souris.

Globex Designs Inc. - Google Redesigned

Comment changer le style de l'affichage de GMail Vous connaissez peut-être l'extension Stylish pour Firefox présentée par Falkra sur ce blog. Nous allons voir maintenant comment il est possible facilement avec l'aide de Stylish de changer le look très sobre du webmail Gmail par celui de Gmail Redesigned (by Globex Designs)


Venkman's JavaScript Debugger - Provides a way to watch local variables

by 4 others
The way to debug JavaScript web applications. The Venkman JavaScript Debugger is similar to the Codetch Editor in the sense that its an IDE in itself. The extension provides a way to watch local variables, move through the JavaScript source, set breakpoints, and step through each line of code. An excellent tool for web developers of JavaScript.

Create the Ultimate Firefox Web Development Profile :: the How-To Geek

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Firefox configured with a separate profile just for web development, let's take a look at the extensions we can use to make Firefox into the ultimate web development tool. Must-Have Web Dev Extensions : These are all extensions that I use on a regular basis for web development. Firebug Web Developer Extension Aardvark Extension Colorzilla View Source With

Mozile (Mozilla Inline Editor)___Editer directement dans le navigateur votre page en XHTML/CSS - Recherche Google

Mozile (Mozilla Inline Editor) est un éditeur de pages XHTML, directement depuis votre navigateur. Outils d'édition courants (copier-coller, mettre en gras, changer la casse, mise en page, etc.) et insertion de liens etc ...

Firebug : bonnes pratiques pour le développement XHTML, CSS, JavaScript et DOM - La Case de l'Oncle Tom

by 2 others
Pour le développement d’applications JavaScript et pour mieux comprendre les incohérences des CSS dans une page, entre autre.Domaines d’utilisation :

FireBug - Permet d'explorer par clavier ou souris les coins les plus reculés du DOM

Outils pour fureter, produire et controler votre JavaScript, CSS, HTML et Ajax sont rassemblés ensemble à travers une seule extension, incluant un débuggeur, une console d'erreur, une ligne de commande, et une variété d'inspecteurs intéressants…


iMacros for Firefox - Script your Firefox Web Browser

by 1 other
You can use it to fill in forms that stretch across multiple pages, to automatically log into a site and perform specific activities, or even to extract data from a site and save it as a CSV file.

web developers extension__________addons.mozilla.

by 2 others
if you get the excellent "web developers extension" for firefox, it has a tool that lets you edit the style of a page on the fly. it also then lets you save it and apply that style sheet to the whole site.

ScribeFire (Firefox)_Extension___Download of the Day:

Firefox only: ScribeFire, formerly Performancing for Firefox, lets you compose and publish blog posts directly from your browser. Like its predecessor, ScribeFire opens a split panel that provides a full of text-editing tools, complete with rich/source

ColorZillan ________Extension firefox graphisme

by 1 other
Permet entre autre de prélever le code des couleurs dans une page Web.

2006 - gmailskins: index (-) extention

by 5 others
What it is Gmail Skins is a Firefox extension that tries to make your Gmail experiance a little better. What it does Click an item for a screenshot. * Change the colour of your inbox - Choose colours from green to dark green! * View weather, google calend

Aardvark : a tool for web developers/designers providing the opportunity of viewing and editing styles (css) and content of the page elements .

by 34 others
The Aardvark Firefox extension is a tool for web developers/designers providing the opportunity of viewing and editing styles (css) and content of the page elements ... Things You Can Do With Aardvark : Clean up unwanted banners and surrounding "fluff," e

CSSViewer__extension Firefox

by 3 others
A beautifully simple CSS property viewer - hover over any element to see its properties

ColorZilla :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software

by 5 others
Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies. With ColorZilla you can get a color reading from any point in your browser, quickly adjust this color and paste it into another program. You can Zoom the page you are viewing and me

Web Developer Extension

by 19 others
The Web Developer extension adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools. It is designed for Firefox, Flock, Mozilla and Seamonkey, and will run on any platform that these browsers support including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

Hypercubed : Firefox Extensions - Editeur WYSIWYG (editing in any textarea and textbox on any website)

by 4 others
Xinha Here! is a Firefox extension wrapper for the Xinha HTML editor. It enables WYSIWYG editing in any textarea and textbox on any website. Xinha Here! opens a Xinha HTML editor in your browser allowing you to edit the data in a WYSIWYG on any website wi