public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags SocialNetworking & design

December 2006

November 2006

SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards

March 06; useful discursive comparison by judges of top contenders in each of many categories, which rhetorically can be used to teach students how to write about the Internet; sizeable honorable mention lists

Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog

by 7 others
rather technical; useful list of many web2.0 bloggers; frequent comparison of sites serving a similar function

JEP - The Journal of Electronic Publishing

many of the past issues were on thematic concerns; ever of greater importance in academic and knowledge communities is the how-to of electronic publishing


complete book online, covers many areas often not dealt with, such as porn sites and dating sites; one insight that may draw you to read more: "the times that count in cyberspace are highly accelerated and strongly individualized."

Revealing Pictures & Reflexive Frames 2004

visual anthropology open archive, photos with comments: "opportunity to examine photographic modes of communication across societies, cultures, and academic worlds"


by 26 others
Create a map of your life* Build a map for your event* Make a travelogue* Create a map with photos and videos

visual encyclopedia that documents manufacturing processes, labor conditions and environmental impacts involved in the production of contemporary products.--summative photo essays produced by students guided by faculty

October 2006


"A blog about digital rhetoric that asks the burning questions about electronic bureaucracy and institutional subversion on the Internet." Well-written, points to developments in the arts and on the web that otherwise might go unnoticed.

"Theses on Distributed Aesthetics" by Anna Munster & Geert Lovink

We live inside fragmented and spatially dispersed networks, and do not just use the computer as part of a network.

September 2006

Monkey Bites

readers' votes on best and worst web 2.0 sites, sept 06

Wired News: Web 2.0 Winners and Losers

sept 06, one person's take on what's useful or irritating; I am also turned off by terrible graphic design on a web site.

August 2006


Yahoo discussion group, focusing on the relations between film form, style, meaning, and authorship.