public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags SocialNetworking & internet

03 December 2006


by 1 other
links to knowledge sharing or knowledge management site; larger site is most comprehensive listing of web2.0 sites I have seen, organized into many categories; blogger is from Netherlands

01 December 2006

BBC - collective - the interactive culture magazine

by 4 others
a social networking site in which BBC offers cultural reviews, with clips, and readers comment or write alternative reviews; readers also submit own reviews

28 November 2006

jlesage's reviews

my tagcloud from stumbleupon; just discovered I could import my delicious tags and comments there. Stumbleupon is my newest obsessively visited site.

27 November 2006

SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards

March 06; useful discursive comparison by judges of top contenders in each of many categories, which rhetorically can be used to teach students how to write about the Internet; sizeable honorable mention lists – The Social Music Revolution

by 177 others
a web2.0 radio listening site; you can see others' tastes and perhaps pick up some tips from them; like Pandora, it learns your tastes

Pew Internet: Riding the Waves of "Web 2.0"

10/06 report from one of the major sources of information on Internet use in the United States

Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog

by 7 others
rather technical; useful list of many web2.0 bloggers; frequent comparison of sites serving a similar function

26 November 2006

Cyberstudies webring

collection of sites with interest in cyberculture, many from the social sciences

24 November 2006

21 November 2006

20 November 2006

Connectivism Blog

by 1 other
a new theory of education and learning, for a digital Internet culture

18 November 2006

JEP - The Journal of Electronic Publishing

many of the past issues were on thematic concerns; ever of greater importance in academic and knowledge communities is the how-to of electronic publishing


complete book online, covers many areas often not dealt with, such as porn sites and dating sites; one insight that may draw you to read more: "the times that count in cyberspace are highly accelerated and strongly individualized."

11 November 2006

Knowing Knowledge

useful summary by George Siemens of his ideas from new book; educators need to rethink all ideas about knowledge, education, and learning for young people growing up in the Internet era

06 November 2006

Henry Jenkins: Taking the You Out of YouTube?

what kinds of censorship face You Tube and My Space, in addition to the site's ownership of content?