public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags iphone & tools


Hands on: FingerPrint enables AirPrint for many non-compliant OS X printers

FingerPrint enables AirPrint for many non-compliant OS X printers


by 1 other
View-source bookmarklet for iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices

Elements — Dropbox powered text editor for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch from Second Gear

text editor for iOS. Elements allows you to view, edit and share plain text documents on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. All of your data is stored on your personal Dropbox account so that its accessible from any device you have.

Smokescreen |

by 3 others
Smokescreen, a Flash player in Javascript: reads binary swf and turns it into SVG. Works on iPhone and iPad


Remote Buddy |

remote control solution for the Mac®. Control more than 100 applications, virtual keyboard and mouse, presentations, media center software and important system settings right from your iPhone™, iPod® Touch, your Apple® Remote or one of the many other remote controls supported by Remote Buddy!

iPhone Explorer - A USB iPhone browser for Mac and PC |

by 2 others
An iPhone browser for Mac and Windows that lets you copy files and folders on and off your iPhone with drag and drop.

iui - Project Hosting on Google Code

by 8 others
iUI is a framework consisting of a JavaScript library, CSS, and images for developing iPhone webapps.

Google Sync on your mobile phone |

syncroniation des données entre un iphone et google (gmail, calendar)

iPhone PSD Vector Kit |

by 1 other
a set that comes with several button elements as well as six different iPhone interface options.

Tasty: A New Delicious iPhone App |

Features * See all your recent bookmarks * Favicon support * Access to “Fresh” and “Popular” delicious bookmarks * Bookmarklet support in Safari * Create new bookmarks * Screenshots of bookmarked sites supported

NuevaSync |

by 1 other
NuevaSync gives you over-the-air synchronization using your mobile device's built-in support for Microsoft Exchange, and acts as a pass-through gateway to your Google Calendars and Gmail contacts with support for updating directly from the device.


Amazon Mobile Looks Up Any Product You Snap a Picture Of |

Application iphone pour Amazon: prends un photo d'un produit, envoie la à Amazon, Amazon te propose de l'acheter. Pas encore disponible dans le AppStore Suisse

App Store |

This application is an HTML version of the iPhone app store. You can see the full previews of any selections available for purchase such as music, movies, games, apps etc. I particularly like this app because you can browse the iPhoneappstore without the iTunes software. It's at the point of purchase that you are directed to the Apple iPhone App Store, where you must have the iTunes software installed to complete the sale.

Minivan |

Application Basecamp pour iPhone

MobilePress - Enable The Mobile Web |

by 1 other
plugin Wordpress vous permettant d’avoir un thème spécifique dédié aux visiteurs provenant d’un Iphone, d’un appreil équipé de Windows Mobile ou encore d’Opéra Mini.

VisualHub |

by 1 other
outil convertisseur des films au format iPhone