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PUBLIC MARKS from Emaux with tags "informatique musicale" & logiciels



Computer Music Center at Columbia University

The Computer Music Center at Columbia University is an innovative and exciting music and arts technology facility with a long history of creative excellence



Jean Piché (1951) is a composer who has develloped into a video artist over the past few years. His practice meshes moving images and music in a new hybrid form he calls videomusic. In his beginnings as an electroacoustic composer in the 1970s, he was one of the very first Canadians to employ the then emerging digital audio technologies. He has produced works in every genre of electroacoustics for mixed and acousmatic to live-electronics. His work aims for poetic expression beyond any sort of formalism. The work has been alternately described as confounding, colorful and virtuosistic. He has contributed to the presence and development of Canadian music here and abroad while working at the Canada Council where he defended the legitimacy of many alternative contemporary music practices. This inclusivist approach was highlighted when he directed the Montréal Musiques Actuelle – New Music America festival in 1990. As a teacher at the Université de Montréal since the late 1980s, he has nurtured a number of young into diverse careers in new media and music. He keeps a hand in software development and some of his programs, notably Cecilia, are used by composers the world over.

HighC - dessiner sa musique

HighC est un outil graphique de création musicale. Il comprend synthétiseur, séquenceur et mélangeur. Son but est de rendre la composition aussi directe que le dessin

Arturia - Software & Hardware

ARTURIA specializes in the development of music software and hardware for both the professional and amateur musician. Focusing on innovation, the company strives to integrate the latest advances in computer music research and technology into their products. This involves working closely with partner research institutions, such as IRCAM France, in the development of leading edge musical instruments and software, the results of which have gone on to been used in the making of numerous hit records and Hollywood sound tracks.

Music Notation Software

by 2 others
Page de liens concernant les logiciels de notation musicale

Developer resources: Assistive Technology : UNC-CS

On this page you will find links to documentation, tutorials, Windows binaries, and source code for our various Python libraries.


Granted Software

iMIDI (MIDI sur Ethernet), Peripheral Vision, AudioUnit Manager, etc

DontCrac[k] - Audio Software instant Downloads

by 2 others
Forum autour des logiciels musicaux en particulier des libres

mesi - more electronic sounds & imageries

Spécialiste des instruments pour la musique électronique, distribution d'interfaces et convertisseurs MIDI, logiciels temps réels de synthèse et de création musicale algorithmic composition resources | Main

This site provides a comprehensive research resource for computer aided algorithmic music composition, including over one-thousand research listings, over one hundred system listings, cross referenced links to research, links to software downloads and documentation, and web-based tools for searching and filtering the complete lexicon. | Resources

by 1 other is developed with free, open-source software tools. See the links below for information about these software systems, as well as other potentially relevant resources.

Pierre Couprie

Ensemble de ressources relatives à la musique et à l'informatique musicale, logiciels, etc