public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags bookmarklet & tag



nutr.itio.us____Outils Gestion Bookmark - Outils Collaboratifs

by 21 others
j'ai découvert tout récemment Ce bookmarklet remédie au problème principal de Delicious: la liberté donnée à chacun de créer ses propres rubriques - mots clés et par là même d'empêcher la mise en commun des ressources. En effet u Randomizer

Each time you hit the Randomizer Button, will bounce you to a random new page recently bookmarked by other users. By visiting the help page devoted to Randomizer Buttons, you can grab a bookmarklet of your own to sta

Flickr: - All Our Flickr Photos on Google Maps! - GeoTagging Flickr (-) - All Our Flickr Photos on Google Maps! view profile aemkei Pro User [ FS FI INT ] says: After the great feedback on the Localize Bookmarklet I got the next secret something for you guys: A tool to browse the world of Flickr photos! Here you – Explore your world through everyone's eyes ___Bookmarklet Flickr extention

by 1 other
A smart way to browse and locate Flickr images on large map of the world. Filter photos by selecting a specific tag or searching for your buddy's user name. All navigation is done without any page refresh. An app that may save your boring afternoons. pro

Geotag your Flickr photos with the Localize bookmarklet

lickrStorm searches and collects Flickr images flickrstorm.png flickrstorm.png FlickrStorm is a third-party Flickr search tool that aims to give you new ways to search and collect photographs from Flickr. For example, searching for "coffee" will a

Pixrat: Social bookmarking for photos - Download Squad

Pixrat: Social bookmarking for photos Posted Mar 17th 2006 2:30PM by Jordan Running Filed under: Photo, Web services PixratPixrat is basically for photos. I don't say that disparragingly, though--Pixrat works as advertised and will definitely


Lazy Sheep Bookmarklet

by 24 others
tagger des pages automatiquement avec lec tags des autres utilisateurs

read_later_Otaku, Cedric's w eblog: Automatic filing with

by 6 others
Very often, I find an interesting article that I don't have the time to read just now and I want to make sure I won't forget to read it some time later. To achieve this, I have created a tag read_later in my bookmarks. Whenever I find such a