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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags howto & idee


Supers Aventures d'Un Bricoleur de Génie - Incredible Stuff I Made - Giant Costumes, Paper Mache sculptures and other big stuff.

Journal en Photo de ses création eclectiques - Please select one of the images below and read the inspiring stories behind the Incredible Stuff I Made.


Mindmapping ___Les secrets de la pensée libérée : 27 façons d’utiliser le Mindmapping (cartes mentales)

by 2 others
Ce billet se propose de vous offrir la traduction d’un fabuleux billet publié sur Bootstrapper intitulé “Secrets of Thinking Outside the Box: 27 Ways Digital Entrepreneurs Can Use Mindmapping“. Il se lit comme un conseil aux cyber entrepreuneurs en leur prescrivant les mindmaps comme développeur de leur business. Note : j’ai été jusqu’à reproduire toute la bibliographie (hyperliens) de l’auteur dans la traduction. Via l’excellent Brainsfeed (Pierre-yves Debliquy).

ikea hacker

by 8 others
WANTED: your ikea hacks. whatever they may be - a funked up klippan sofa, an ingenious idea for your pax wardrobe, a creative twist on your kitchen countertop, or even advice on how to finally stop forby stools from wobbling, i'd love to see your ikea hacks

25 outils de réseaux sociaux à destination des bibliothécaires __(Article traduit)__avril 2008,

En tant que bibliothécaire, vous aurez besoin de partager de l'information avec vos usagers. Avec des outils de réseaux sociaux, vous pouvez mettre en place des collections de signets, partager des notices, et bien plus. Nous en avons listé ci-après 2

bibliothèque virtuelle Sur Second Life___Voir l'exemple sur leWiki d'une Bib

Sur Second Life, vous pouvez créer une bibliothèque virtuelle, animer des conférences, des cours, proposer des médias en streaming... Pour un bon exemple de ce que peut faire une bibliothèque sur Second Life, visitez le wiki : murdochsecondlife wiki.


Mobile Technology Security Considerations

Get the convenience of wireless computing without the risks. Henry Kumagai, CompuMentor Systems Administrator, and TechSoup provide this overview of the security threats posed by wireless connectivity and the steps you can take to stay safe.

Make Your Library a Wi-Fi Hotspot

An examination of the benefits of wireless computing, and a checklist of what you need to do to get it up and running in your library.

Ten Steps to Wireless Internet Access in Your Library___WebJunction focuses

In this Focus on Wireless, we will discuss what you need to consider when extending your existing wired network with a wireless local area network (WLAN) segment for your patrons and staff.

Putting Free Public Wi-Fi Access into Action at Your Small or Medium Sized Public Library

Kim Bolan and Rob Cullin share their advice on public wireless internet access in this excerpt from their forthcoming book on basic technology for small and medium size public libraries to be published by ALA Editions.


How to Put a Mosaic in the Mail

by 2 others
an idea that’s easy, inexpensive and guaranteed to earn rave reviews… All it takes is a few minutes a day, some photos, some stamps, and a pair of scissors.

instructables : $11 Super Wide Angle Digital Camera

$11 Super Wide Angle Digital Camera Add a 160 degree wide angle lens to your existing digital camera for $11.

Image Transfers

by 1 other
This section will try to cover various types of transferring images to your artwork. A lot are well known and some may be new. All give different results, some are easier than others and will need some practise and experimentation to achieve the effects y

Image transfers with the Blender Pen

BLENDER PEN TRANSFER This is a transfer process using photocopies and a blender pen. I use a Chartpak Blender Pen. A blender pen transfer works great on all kinds of fabrics, tile, paper, wood, copper, linoleum, and a variety of other materials. And it w

Cadre photo dans boitier CD__Photojojo » DIY Jewel Case Frames: Wonderful Wall Art Faster than you can say Polar Bears!

a clever project that uses CD jewel cases to make rearrangeable, refillable, photo frames for those empty walls of yours. Watch our first ever Photojojo video tutorial and see how you can get your photographs off-line and on your walls in about half an ho

Photojojo » The DIY CanFrame: Transform a Tin Can into a Simple Photo Frame in 15 Minutes

Our tutorial will step you through an insanely simple way to show off your photos for the price of a 79 cent can of beans. All you need is the aforementioned can, some glue, a photo, and 15 minutes! - Drawing lessons

by 17 others
Web site has a huge collection of tutorials designed to take you from beginning doodler to expert drawer. Obviously we're not all born to be artists (I could draw you a mean still life of fruit, but it would take me several days), but if

The Scanner Photography Project

Scanner modifications... For my scanner photography work, I use the Canon LIDE 20. The LIDE 20 provides a useful starting point for the hardware development aspects of the scanner camera. Its relative simplicity and durability make it an easy tool to expe

construire un stenope

by 2 others
Un site de référence sur les sténopés, pour aller encore plus loin... Sténopé : du Grec « stenos » : étroit, serré, et « ôps » : œil. Equivalent Anglais, pinhole : trou d’épingle. Un sténopé permet de reproduire une image après

My Pinhole Cameras []

MY PINHOLE CAMERAS Photographs are, at the very least, to the same measure the product of cameras as they are the product of photographers, even if the process involves two different levels of execution. Thus it would be advisable to criticise the photo-c

Dirkon - The Paper Camera []

by 5 others
DIRKON – THE PAPER CAMERA During the 1970s, magazines published in Communist Czechoslovakia were controlled by the state, like the majority of other enterprises. Very few good magazines were available and were difficult to get hold of, so people would b

How to document a project using Instructables

How to document a project using Instructables

Soda Bottle Rocket.

A simple soda bottle rocket launcher using coathanger wire, an inner tube, and a soda bottle.