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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags html & reference


FIR - DEV - Éxaminer et modifier le code HTML - Outils de développement | MDN

Recherche: À partir de Firefox 45, la boite de recherche de l'Inspecteur trouve les correspondances dans tout le markup du document ouvert, ainsi que dans toutes les frames. Pour commencer une recherche, il suffit de cliquer sur la boîte de recherche pour l'agrandir ou bien d'utiliser les raccourcis clavier Ctrl + F , ou Cmd + F sous Mac. Lors de la saisie, une pop-up d'autocomplétion affiche toutes les classes ou ID qui correspondent à la recherche en cours :


HTML ← 4.5 Text-level semantics — Table of Contents — 4.7 Edits → 4.6 Links 4.6.1 Introduction 4.6.2 Links created by a and area elements 4.6.3 API for a and area elements 4.6.4 Following hyperlinks 4.6.5 Downloading resources Hyperlink auditing 4.6.6 Link types Link type "alternate" Link type "author" Link type "bookmark" Link type "canonical" Link type "dns-prefetch" Link type "external" Link type "help" Link type "icon" Link type "license" Link type "nofollow" Link type "noopener" Link type "noreferrer" Link type "pingback" Link type "preconnect" Link type "prefetch" Link type "preload" Link type "prerender" Link type "search" Link type "serviceworker" Link type "stylesheet" Link type "tag" Sequential link types Link type "next" Link type "prev" Other link types


BIB - Le web des données ( 2010.06) -« Bibliothèques [reloaded]

Article Technique mais Important: Et le RDFa ? C’est du RDF intégré dans des pages web. ... Quelles perspectives ? Interconnecter le plus grand nombre de sites (et surtout de données) . On peut intégrer dans ses pages du RDF selon plusieurs modalités : * pour décrire ses pages web * pour exposer les notices de ses bases de données * pour enrichir le texte de ses pages * etc. .... Concernant les bibliothèques: * le remplacement de l’OpenURL par du RDF, plus normalisé.... * les catalogues fédérés prennent une toute autre envergure,... .... * l’intégration fine facilitée de contenus enrichis (pages de couvertures, bibliographies, biographies, etc.) de manière beaucoup plus fine. ... * A quoi sert de cataloguer une notice si on peut faire un lien vers elle... Au lieu de cataloguer, une exemplarisation sera suffisante !


OpenURL ContextObject in SPAN (COinS) Use with LibX (Firefox extension that provides direct access to your library's resources).

by 3 others
To embed citation metadata into html in such a way that processing agents can discover, process and make use of the metadata. Since an important use of this metadata will be to allow processing agents to make OpenURL hyperlinks for users in libraries (latent OpenURL), the method must allow the metadata to be placed any where in HTML that a link might appear. In the absence of some metadata-aware agent, the embedded metadata must be invisible to the user and innocuous with respect to HTML markup. To meet these requirements, the span element was selected. The NISO OpenURL ContextObject is selected as the specific metadata package. The resulting specification is named "ContextObject in SPAN" or COinS for short. A COinS Generator site is available - See : COinS Processors Alf Eaton's Greasemonkey script for processing COinSVirginia Tech's

XUL (XML User Interface Language) - MDC

XUL (XML User Interface Language) is Mozilla's XML-based language that lets you build feature-rich cross platform applications that can run connected or disconnected from the Internet. These applications are easily customized with alternative text, graphics and layout so they can be readily branded or localized for various markets. Web developers already familiar with Dynamic HTML (DHTML) will learn XUL quickly and can start building applications right away. Open XUL Periodic Table in Firefox or another Gecko-based browser to see some XUL demos.

UserScript Writing 101 – Manuel of Things to learn -

The Order of Things to Learn Look to the "Resources" section for places to learn about these. 1. HTML. Hypertext Markup Language. Not the same "language" as JavaScript. This is a markup language, meaning it's a bunch of text that is meant to represent some type of structure, in this case, a web page. 2. XML. Extensible Markup Language. In case you didn't realize, HTML itself is a type of "XML". Learning XML is important because many popular websites (YouTube, Facebook, use XML to interact with data. Since you already know HTML by this point, understanding XML should be cake. 3. CSS. Cascading Style Sheets. This is the way HTML (should be) stylized. You'll want to learn this. 4. JavaScript. Learn all the basics: data types, functions, JavaScript's native functions like prompt, alert, etc. 5. The Greasemonkey Extras. Like I said, Greasmonkey == JavaScript, with a lot of extras. A specific page listing the API's can be found here.

DOM events - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by 1 other
DOM (Document Object Model) events allow event-driven programming languages like JavaScript, JScript, ECMAScript, VBScript and Java to register various event handlers/listeners on the element nodes inside a DOM tree, e.g. HTML, XHTML, XUL and SVG documents. Historically, like DOM, the event models used by various web browsers had some significant differences. This caused compatibility problems. To combat this, the event model was standardized by the W3C in DOM Level 2.