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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags navigation & application


Deep Dive on Flickr - Application Sharing!

Don't just experience Flickr on the surface, dig deeper with Deep Dive! Deep Dive's Chain will learn what you like and will explore Flickr's vast universe with your eyes. You will discover new artists and hidden gems. With Deep Dive, good photos will live longer than a couple of weeks. Do you know your Flickr Twins and Flickr Fans? Find them with Deep Dive! Deep Dive helps you to stay up to date with your contacts. It will remember who you visited and when, will catch up with people on a click of a button. Deep Dive filters photos ( if you wish ) and only displays successful or moderately successful ones for you to view.

flickrfavr – a flickr app. explore favorites of favorites on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

View the favorite photos of your own favorites and discover great photos in a new way. Flickrfavr is a browser-based HTML/Javascript application to view your favorites' favorites. Your favorites (grouped by contact) are displayed as thumbnails on the left. Favorites of that contact are displayed on the right, three to a row, most recent first. Click an image to view a larger version with accompanying text. Images load seamlessly as you scroll. If you like the favorites of a particular user, click a link to load more. If you authenticate with Flickr, you can make a fave's fave your own fave from within the website.


Flickroom, une application Adobe AIR pour Flickr

Flickroom est une application Adobe Air pour Flickr qui propose de nombreuses fonctionnalités intéressantes dans une interface riche plus sympa que celle proposée par le site flickr. L'application Flickroom dispose de toutes les fonctions dont vous avez besoin; vous pouvez afficher votre flux de photos, votre profil, vos contacts, vos groupes et toutes les informations des photos, comme la description, les commentaires, les tags, etc... Flickroom permet également de commenter les photos, de les ajouter à vos favoris, d'y ajouter des notes et de les partager rapidement sur votre Twitter

Download Flickroom 0.03 - (Telechargement ) - An application that provides the rich browsing experience Flickr users have long deserved - Softpedia

An application that provides the rich browsing experience Flickr users have long deserved You can now receive instant notifications for any activity on your photostream, upload photos by just drag-and-drop, add comments, mark faves, add notes, tweet about your photos and also view all info associated with an image from within Flickroom. Get Flickroom and take it for a test drive to see what it can actually do for you!

Flickroom - BETA

Flickroom is an Adobe AIR based application that provides the rich browsing experience Flickr users have long deserved. The dark theme ensures that your photographs look better than ever before! You can now receive instant notifications for any activity on your photostream, upload photos by just drag-and-drop, add comments, mark faves, add notes, tweet about your photos and also chat with other Flickroom users.

2008 - Flickr a mi manera _SPAIN__A small web that the use Flickr to show "a mi manera." |

A small web that the use Flickr to show "a mi manera." no special function, no particular purpose, only for pure fun and entertainment (as well as in Te extrano themselves in the family that makes "nothing"). playing API de flickr. Seems intersting, and fast...see the ree of contact. language : espagol

WPF Flickr Viewer Using XLINQ[]___ demo application___will be explained one at a time

One contains all the images retrieved from the Flickr RSS feed, and the other Window shows a single image that the user clicked on, contains several controls that the user may use to alter the shown image.

taggrid screen shot on Flickr -16000 photos automatically arranged according to these tags ___Photo Sharing!

The basic idea is to make search on Flickr more comfortable. Llamerada wanted to display as many as 16,000 photos in grid style (retrieved by Flickr’s API and based on Flickr tags)


darckr username.jpg on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Darckr ; wrote to simply build a black web page that would honour my Flickr contact's photos, and that I could use as my welcome web page in my favorite browser (firefox). I like viewing photos on a black background, so this is the default appearance of D


ZERO SECONDE: Navigation par grappe : carnet de note ouvert de Martin Lessard

vier 2006 Navigation par grappe TouchGraph GoogleBrowser est un outil graphique permettant de visualiser des sites similaires (selon Google). Il crée des aggrégations de sites, comme des nébuleuses de sites, que l'on peut naviguer globalement, facileme