public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags web & download


BITTORRENT - LOG - OPEN SOURCE - qBittorrent download |

An advanced and multi-platform BitTorrent client with a nice Qt user interface as well as a Web UI for remote control and an integrated search engine. qBittorrent aims to meet the needs of most users while using as little CPU and memory as possible.


QuickUpload (service d'envoi de fichiers Free pr FTG 10Go)) - Mick@ël's blog

QuickUpload permet d'uploader des fichiers et/ou des dossiers facilement sur le web afin de les partager avec des amis, sa famille, ou autre. QuickUpload supporte plusieurs services d'upload, comme le service d'envoi de fichiers Free ainsi que l'upload par FTP simple.

CSS - EDITOR - plugin - With Emmet Turbo-Charge Your CSS - Tuts+ Web Design Article

Emmet is a collection of abbreviations that expand into html/xml/css, taking the idea of text snippets further. Visit the download page and install Emmet for your editor of choice. When working with Emmet, type in the appropriate abbreviation and hit the action key. In Sublime Text this is the TAB key. The syntax of the file you are working on will determine which abbreviations to use


XBMC Stream

XBMC-Stream est un site qui accueille et renseigne aussi bien les débutants que les passionnés d'infos, de média.