public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from philippej with tags web & rss


Christopher Blizzard » announcing whoisi

"... a site that lets you easily keep track of what your friends are doing on the Internet via RSS feeds - but with some twists."


The Blogosphere Mob

"The blogosphere was built on nay-saying the protectionist aspect of the current media. In full circle, the blogosphere has in turn become that protectionist media." Mob, money and power on the web. I like it !


Writing Semantic Markup

"It does us no good to have overly technical specifications that only hardcore developers can use, in the same way that it does us no good to have simplistic solutions written for non-techies that don't help us do things more efficiently".

Public Awareness of Internet Terms

"The average American internet user is not sure what podcasting is, what an RSS feed does, or what the term phishing means".


by 6 others
" would enable end-users to register their favorite tool of choice so that wherever they traveled on the web, by simply clicking on the the 'ReBlg' button - they could easily send that post to their favorite tool". Mouais ?:)


by 9 others
"an RSS video aggregator and media player that can automatically download media content for you to watch and listen to". A quand les blog télévisés.