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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags online & audio


MUSIC - 10 Virtual Instruments You Can Play In Your Web Browser

If you’re a musician, you probably know how annoying it can be to be away from your instrument(s). At times when you can’t have your instrument with you but you feel like you need to belt out a tune or two, perhaps you can seek solace in browser-based virtual instruments. If you ever feel the need to scratch that musical itch, you could do worse than play around with any one of these 10 virtual instruments.

🛠 VIDEO PLAYER - 20 VLC Player Tips and Tricks

VLC is probably the most versatile video player you can download due to its amazing ability to play almost any codec you throw at it. This alone makes this app a worthy addition to your software suite. While most people use VLC as a simple video player, it is so much more than that. VLC is the Swiss Army Knife of video players with features that are hidden and unknown to the casual user.


ONLINE MEDIA GOD: 400+ Tools for Photographers, Videobloggers, Podcasters & Musicians

by 4 others
Online media is exploding…and with it, a new class of creative people producing their own music, podcasts, professional-level photography and video shows. We’ve compiled the largest list so far of useful tools for self-made photographers, videobloggers, podcasters and musicians. These entries are compiled from previous Mashable articles – see the links at the bottom of this article for further reading.

Aviary Myna - enregistreur et éditeur audio Online - gratuitRecherche Google

Aviary, qui est rappelons-le une suite (gratuite) en ligne d'édition , propose en plus de cette suite un enregistreur et éditeur audio Web gratuit ... Vous pouvez utiliser Myna pour enregistrer, monter et mixer vos fichiers audio depuis le Web.


WJ-__Logiciel et un dispositif public de performances web, modulable, permettant à des WJ-S (webjockeys, artistes, passionnés et mutants du web) de jouer live avec des contenus en ligne.

by 1 other
WJs est une expérience partagée et visible de la navigation. les WJs prennent le control d’un dispositif multi écrans et surfent simultanément dans plusieurs fenêtres de navigateurs à la fois. WJ-s est une expérience immersive dans le flux.


VoiceThread __un Flickr avec du son, un diaporama à la sauce collaborative. __Diaporama 2.0 - Wisibility

VoiceThread, comme son nom ne l’indique pas, est un service de partage de photos avec commentaire Audio et Tableau Blanc ..En l'état VoiceThread est perfectible. Impossible de télécharger un fichier son préparé par ailleurs. Difficile donc de coord

Historical Sounds in MP3 Format___The Free Information Society -

by 13 others
This collection of audio files is intended to archive the greatest speeches in recorded history. Most of the files are from the 20th century, but there are a few exceptions, such as the Edison recordings. Feel free to download, distribute, and learn from