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JQUERY - API - .prop() | jQuery API Documentation

.prop() Categories: Attributes | Manipulation > General Attributes Get the value of a property for the first element in the set of matched elements or set one or more properties for every matched element. Contents: .prop( propertyName ) .prop( propertyName ) .prop( propertyName, value ) .prop( propertyName, value ) .prop( properties ) .prop( propertyName, function )

DEV - Web developer guides | MDN

Web developer guides. These articles provide how-to information to help you make use of specific technologies and APIs.

JAVASCRIPT - jQUERY - TUTO (trés facile ett documenté) - Simplifiez vos développements JavaScript avec jQuery

Avec ce cours, je vous propose de découvrir les multiples facettes du framework jQuery. De la sélection d'éléments à la manipulation du DOM, en passant par l'animation, les requêtes AJAX, l'utilisation et la création de plugins, la création de jeux et bien d'autres choses encore !

JAVASRIPT - JavaScript Style Guide

JavaScript Coding Conventions Coding conventions are style guidelines for programming. They typically cover: Naming and declaration rules for variables and functions. Rules for the use of white space, indentation, and comments. Programming practices and principles Coding conventions secure quality: Improves code readability Make code maintenance easier


Google Maps Javascript API V3 Reference - Google Maps JavaScript API v3 — Google Developers

google.maps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType object specification Possible values for feature types. Specify these values as strings, i.e. 'administrative' or 'poi.park'. Stylers applied to a parent feature type automatically apply to all child feature types. Note however that parent features may include some additional features that are not included in one of their child feature types.

jQuery - jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation Browser

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This is a alternative interface to browse the Official jQuery Documentation that can be found on GitHub . The aim of this project is to get out of the way of your development work. Quickly switch to this docs and find what you are looking for.


Advanced Greasemonkeying — Yoan Blanc’s weblog

Jouant occasionnellement avec Greasemonkey, j’ai fait face a des problèmes récurrent liés à l’architecture de l’extention elle-même. * Comment réutiliser une bibliothèque déjà présente dans la page, * comment traiter un résultat XML * ou qu’est-ce qui fait que je n’arrive pas à mettre une Yahoo!/Google maps dynamiquement. Réutiliser une librairie(, fonction, variable) existante

Development resources - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

Development resources From MozillaZine Knowledge Base Websites that are useful for Mozilla development. This knowledge base also has a few articles on extension development.

UserScript Writing 101 – Manuel of Things to learn -

The Order of Things to Learn Look to the "Resources" section for places to learn about these. 1. HTML. Hypertext Markup Language. Not the same "language" as JavaScript. This is a markup language, meaning it's a bunch of text that is meant to represent some type of structure, in this case, a web page. 2. XML. Extensible Markup Language. In case you didn't realize, HTML itself is a type of "XML". Learning XML is important because many popular websites (YouTube, Facebook, use XML to interact with data. Since you already know HTML by this point, understanding XML should be cake. 3. CSS. Cascading Style Sheets. This is the way HTML (should be) stylized. You'll want to learn this. 4. JavaScript. Learn all the basics: data types, functions, JavaScript's native functions like prompt, alert, etc. 5. The Greasemonkey Extras. Like I said, Greasmonkey == JavaScript, with a lot of extras. A specific page listing the API's can be found here.

DOM events - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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DOM (Document Object Model) events allow event-driven programming languages like JavaScript, JScript, ECMAScript, VBScript and Java to register various event handlers/listeners on the element nodes inside a DOM tree, e.g. HTML, XHTML, XUL and SVG documents. Historically, like DOM, the event models used by various web browsers had some significant differences. This caused compatibility problems. To combat this, the event model was standardized by the W3C in DOM Level 2.

Regular Expression Library

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Welcome to, the Internet's first Regular Expression Library. Currently we have indexed 2366 expressions from 1430 contributors around the world. We hope you'll find this site useful and come back whenever you need help writing an expression, you're looking for an expression for a particular task, or are ready to contribute new expressions you’ve just figured out. Thanks!