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DEL.ICIO.US TOOLBOX: 180+ Tools and Resources

by 2 others
Social bookmarking was one of the earliest trends out on the social web, and quickly took the lead. Today, we outline over 180 of the best tools and resources to get the most out of the number one social bookmarking site.

StumbleUpon _______ Social Bookmarking

StumbeUpon installs a toolbar in your browser and lets you collaborative rate content. This improves the recommendations for other users and behavior matching is used to find users like you and pages that you haven't seen before, on-demand. One indicato

Des nouvelles de MusicBrainz

MusicBrainz est une base de données sur les albums de musique permettant de récupérer les informations (auteur, titre...) relatives à un CD ou un morceau (un peu comme FreeDB ou CDDB). Cette base de données est alimentée et modérée par une communa

Jajuk (Just Another Jukebox)________All platforms___Lifehacker

Windows/Mac/Unix: Free, open source program Jajuk (Just Another Jukebox) is a music management app chocked full of interesting features. For example, Jajuk boasts integration with Wikipedia, several advanced playlisting and filtering tools, automatic cove


nutr.itio.us____Outils Gestion Bookmark - Outils Collaboratifs

by 21 others
j'ai découvert tout récemment Ce bookmarklet remédie au problème principal de Delicious: la liberté donnée à chacun de créer ses propres rubriques - mots clés et par là même d'empêcher la mise en commun des ressources. En effet u

worldinpictures.org____Flickr geotagging application

by 1 other
allows you to view photos taken at any worldwide location. When you enter a location above, this is converted into a latitude/longitude pair which is used to look up "geotagged" photos on the photo sharing site Flickr. If you want your own pictures to app

Listible! - About : is a new way to get relevant resources quickly.

by 1 other
Listible is a new way to get relevant resources quickly. By using Web 2.0 features such as AJAX, folksonomy (tagging), social elements such as voting/commenting and the listible's listonomy (listing), resources can be sorted in a way that will be digestib

Tutorial Delicious : Comment faire des recherches dans The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users » Slacker Manager

by 24 others
* Tags: * Combined tags: * Popular: * Popular tags: * Users:

Image Annotation on the Semantic Web: Tools Overview

Image Annotation on the Semantic Web: Tools Overview Status: this is work in progress. It is performed in the context of the multimedia task force of the W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group. All information provided here serves pu