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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags interface & extension


FIREFOX - ADDON - EXPERIMENt - TEST PILOT - Color is a new Firefox Test Pilot Experiment - gHacks Tech News

You need to install the Test Pilot extension and the Firefox Color experiment to get started. You may do so in Firefox Stable or any other version of the browser that is supported by Mozilla. Color opens a special interface after installation which you interact with to create the theme and save or share it. The Firefox Color website displays several interactive elements on the page that depict browser UI elements.


FIR - Firefox Update 57 (2017) - OPINIONS - How to enable legacy extensions in Firefox 57 - gHacks Tech News

If you are using Firefox Nightly right now, you may have noticed that the latest update of the web browser disabled all legacy add-ons. Firefox Nightly is the first version of the Firefox web browser that hit version 57, the version of Firefox that drops support for so-called legacy add-ons in favor of WebExtensions.


CSS - USERSTYLES - Code for various Firefox elements? -

You can inspect the Firefox user interface directly with DOM Inspector. (Which is not the same Inspector as in the Web Developer menu.) [] the icon in the upper-left corner of DOMi, the one with a pointer on it, then click anywhere in the browser to select an element; that element will be highlighted in the left column. Right-click the highlighted entry to display a context menu: "Copy Selector" suggests selectors for the element, "Set Pseudo-classes..." lets you switch on :hover. Notice that the browser itself is a document with its own URI, chrome://browser/content/browser.xul, Most of the browser chrome is XUL, but some, such as the Stylish editor, is HTML embedded in XUL.


Advanced URL Builder - Création d'URL Avancé - Extension Recherche - Modules pour Firefox

Ajouter le texte sélectionné à l'URL de votre site préféré vous permettant de soumettre une requête à n'importe quel site Web. . Par exemple - mettre en évidence un toponyme / code postal et ouvrir en utilisant Google Maps . beaucoup plus facile et rapide à utiliser que d'ajouter des moteurs de recherche à la recherche de cadre Instructions: Sélectionnez un texte, faites un clic droit et choisissez une adresse URL que vous avez définis pour l'ouvrir. Disponible en: cs-CZ/de-DE/en-GB/en-US/es-ES/fr-FR/nl-NL/pl-PL/pt-BR BabelZillians Merci;)


Connectez Flex et eZ Publish

Vous connaissez Flex ? RIA (Rich Internet Application) de son état, il permet de faire des miracles avec les interfaces utilisateur et est basé sur Flash. Il s'agit en fait d'un framework Open Source simplifiant grandement le développement d'applications web riches basées sur Flash. Mais comment effectuer des transferts de données avec eZ Publish ? Avec sa plateforme Flash, Adobe propose une interface de connexion très efficace et open source : AMF.


User- Interface-fr - Microformats

Il y a eu récemment beaucoup de très bonnes idées d'interfaces-utilisateurs et des suggestions pour travailler sur les microformats. Cette page sert à rassembler et documenter de façon à ce que nous puissions être inspirés et informés sur les travaux des autres.

Compress Bookmarks Toolbar Items |

Last updated Jun 05 2008 10 installs this week, 415 total. Greatly condenses the Bookmarks Toolbar. Removes padding, making the toolbar very small and minimal. Excellent style for those who want to conserve screen real-estate. Works on Firefox2 AND Firefox3 !!

Animated Loading Spinner for Firefox 3 - Loading | Displays a Spinning Animated Firefox Logo (Spinfox) when loading a page in Firefox

Both the Loading New Tab AND the About:blank's background image will be animated. When you open a new tab, it will display this animated image until something from that site is able to be displayed. Features: + Appears when opening new tabs + Appears when loading new tabs content + Appears within loading page contents (a loading div control containing a frame of another site) + Appears when a page transitions to external or new domain + Works in Firefox 3! + Clean and very appropriate animated default image, included with style (Firefox logo Spinning) + Makes your browser look great, and adds that "wow" factor. Additional Information: *NOTE: Please Clear your Cache and Restart your browser after installing or changing this style, your custom image will need to be cached in order for it to be displayed. * You may have to disable the following two styles for this to work: - Custom About:Blank logo - Custom New Tab Loading Image

Mr Tech's Toolkit - Dynamic Apply Button |

Last updated Jun 23 2008 Only displays the "Apply" button when you make a change to Mr Tech's Toolkit (Formerly Mr. Tech's Local Install) Browser Versions: - Works on Firefox 3 - Works on Firefox 2

Adblock Plus - Dynamic Apply Button | userstyles.org___Last updated Jun 24 2008

Only displays the "Apply" button when you make a change to Adblock Plus. Why show a button that you can't click!? Browser Versions: - Works on Firefox 3 - Works on Firefox 2 Integrates With the Following Styles: + Adblock Plus - Custom Filterlist Window Background + Adblock Plus - Visual Alert if Disabled + Mr Tech's Toolkit - Dynamic Apply Button Window Applied to:

Change Text Highlighting Selector Color | userstyles.org__Last updated Apr 23 2008

Makes all highlighted (selected) text throughout Mozilla Firefox to have a custom color of your choice. Another excellent way to implement a new UI feature for your favorite web browser. ** Thanks to rude-dude for selected text color changer, upon which this style is based. Applies to: - All web pages - Address Bar text (locationbar) - Stylish Extension Manager - View Source - View Information - ... - Countless other windows and option panes Acknowledgments: Thanks to for the codebase CSS Release Additional Information: This style comes preloaded with the following style color: Background of selected text will be Dark Gray Foreground (or color) of selected text will be Lime Green, giving selected text a "console" or "Matrix" type look. Instructions: You may change the "background" and "color" HEX colors to match your favorite colors! The code is easily customizable and the color combinations are endless!

Flickr - Transparent Navigation Menus (WOW!) |

Flickr site navigation menus, You Home Organize Contacts Groups Explore, will be transparent... WOW! This style improves page visibility, allowing you to see all the web content behind the transparency. This makes Flickr even more awesome! * Thanks to b0at for the Google Autohide Dots: Search and Account Options, upon which I got the idea for this style! Features: + You Home Organize Contacts Groups and Explore will be transparent. + Menus will become more opaque when they are hovered over with the mouse cursor + You will be able to see the images and text behind the header menu (see thru) until hovered over Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Integrates with Better Flickr Hyperlink Visited Color nav menus are also known as candy Changelog: + Added Transparency to the Search menu dropdown box

Link: Visited hyperlinks with opacity effect.

With this style, Flickr will highlight the links that you have already visited. This style improves page navigation and element focus, for Flickr, which does not display the pages you have already visited in a separate color. This makes Flickr a lot more usable, so you do not go to pages you have already been to (visual history). * Based upon Roblesolido's Link: Visited hyperlinks with opacity effect. Features: + Purple href hover highlight text (customizable) + More Noticeable + Works on all links (a href) Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Integrates with Custom Hyperlink Visited Color (Global) Future Releases: + I am currently working on an update that will disable the coloring of your usermenu (home, you, organize, contacts, groups, and explore)

Custom Hyperlink Visited Color (Global) |

Hyperlink Visited Styling for ALL WebPages. This style improves page navigation and element focus, for pages without their own form of displaying the pages you have already visited. * Based upon Roblesolido's Link: Visited hyperlinks with opacity effect. Features: - Purple href hover highlight text (customizable) - Will only show up on pages that don't already have a visited color. In the case of an purple background, or custom sites. If you want this style to show up no matter what, add !important between the last 0 and the : in the code. Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Integrates with Custom Hyperlink Hover Color (Global)

Flickr Quick Links –

The script adds customisable links to the top of every page on flickr next to the flickr logo. In order to add your own links, you need to edit the script, and edit the customhtml variable. you can put whatever html you want in that variable. and it will be displayed next to the Flickr Logo. I use it to put some shortcuts to various URLS that i access regularly.

Firefox Extension for uTorrent WebUI ___Makes using the WebUI a lot easier. | TorrentFreak

by 1 other
The uTorrent WebUI can be used to access uTorrent from an external computer. This also opens the possibility to handle your torrents from your browser window. We’ve discovered a Firefox extension that makes using the WebUI a lot easier.

Flickr Shades v2 Colour Scheme Editor on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Ive added a colourscheme editor function to the Flickr Shades Greasemonkey script, that lets you edit the colour scheme on the flickr website, including changing the text colour, background colour and link colours.


FLICKR - OLD - USERSCRIPT - Flickr YouTubr - lire directement video YouTube depuis Flickr

Ce mashup YouTube/Flickr permet de lire les vidéos directement dans FlickR si un lien vers une vidéo s’y trouve. Pour déclencher la lecture vous disposez d’un bouton supplémentaire. La vidéo sera lancé dans le cadre de la photo. Ne marche plus actuellement: j'ai posté une demande d'update le 29.05.2020....

Gmail Contact List

Rajoute une “contact list” à coté du champ “To”.

schmickr: bordr___Flickr extention

With the release of the gamma version of their site, Flickr decided to drop the thin border that they once placed around photos. This tool reinstates that border for Firefox users.

All In One Sidebar (AIOS)__Extension Fireox

Manage a lot of things through the Firefox sidebar, create new toolbars, etc.

My 500 Pixel Flickr Group Pages greasemonkey script and a customized version of High Res Flickr

by 1 other
The original script uses original size images and scales them to 1000 pixels. They can be slow to load and often look bad because the poor rescaler alogrithm used in Firefox introduces jagged lines and destroys textures.