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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags web2.0 & editer


Flickr-Toolbox-100-Outils-et-Services__Mashable! France search results: sudoku

Voici une liste de +100 services/applications pour vous aider à exploiter 100% du potentiel du site de partage de photo le plus populaire du web:/2007/08/04/

The Ultimate Flickr Tools Hacks and Scripts Database____GeekTonic by Brent Evans:

UltimateFlickrTools The Ultimate Flickr Tools Database? As of this posting date, this post includes more tha350 different tools, hacks and scripts to use with flickr. And when I started gathering this list I was naive enough to think this list would have about 100 tools total...n

rsizr - Outil en ligne pour Redimensionner selon la méthode du seam carving__Recherche Google

RsizR est l‘outil révolutionnaire en ligne pour redimensionner selon la méthode du seam carving, avec en plus l’utilisation des zones à préserver,

Mozile (Mozilla Inline Editor)___Editer directement dans le navigateur votre page en XHTML/CSS - Recherche Google

Mozile (Mozilla Inline Editor) est un éditeur de pages XHTML, directement depuis votre navigateur. Outils d'édition courants (copier-coller, mettre en gras, changer la casse, mise en page, etc.) et insertion de liens etc ...


FotoCrib___Online Photo Editor

A web based photo editing service. fotocrib currently allows users to ... * Create montages, Add 3D effects, Encrypt photos, Create rounded corners, Convert between jpeg, png, gif, pdf and postscript formats, Send photos to email recipients

Flauntr__Free online photo editor with thousands of one click effects

by 7 others
Alows people to add predesigned effects onto their photos, and allows them to save each effect, so they can add more on top of it. Effects include digital scrapbooking style 'compositions', textures, light effects, overlays and colorations.

Médiamus__Blog___Outil permettant d’éditorialiser les contenus musicaux et à faciliter la veille des usagers comme des équipes

by 2 others
En matière de médiation via les sites Internet, Nicolas Blondeau présente le blog Médiamus, outil permettant d’éditorialiser les contenus musicaux et à faciliter la veille des usagers comme des équipes

Yahoo pipes : les aggrégateurs de fils de diffusion (RSS) en mode graphique

Editeur visuel en ligne qui combine et fait un « mash-up », de vos fils RSS. Vous pouvez les triez, les filtrez en mille et une combinaisons.Les utilisateurs ont donc créé leurs propres tutoriels, étapes par étapes du processus de construction de vo

Fotowoos__Web2.___Transformer des photos en 3D

by 3 others
Fotowoosh est une application (pour l'instant en phase Alpha) qui vous permet de transformer la vue 2D d'une photo en 3 dimension. A voir..

Voicethread __Work With Flickr___The human voice around photographs

The human voice around photographs.This one is really simple and "lovely". Photos are a way to share experience and when you show photos to someone else, your voice is often an accompanying narrative adding a story. Voicethread allows the viewers of ph

Voicethread____allows the viewers of photo albums to leave voice comments through a flash interface.

Really simple and "lovely". Photos are a way to share experience and when you show photos to someone else, your voice is often an accompanying narrative adding a story. Voicethread allows the viewers of photo albums to leave voice comments through a flash

Giant online image editors comparison chart

There are ten online image editors here, everything from Snipshot to LookWow; and over 25 features are meticulously charted (does it resize? will it remove red-eye?). Make sure you check the Features legend; it goes from "the feature is not available" to


Performancing___blog editor that sits right within Firefox._extension

"Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right within Firefox. Just hit F8 or click the little pencil icon at the bottom right to bring up the blog editor and easily post to your Wordpress, MovableType or Blogger blogs."

Online Photo Editor _ Flickr Hack

GM Script: Online Photo Editor view profile steeev is a group administrator steeev Pro User [ INT ? ] says: I wrote a new GreaseMonkey script, called Online Photo Editor. It basically adds an edit button to the photo toolbar, clicking it takes you to an o

PXN8.COM - Photos Made Easy

by 40 others
un module de transfaormation at d'ajustement d'image, les votres aussi , en ligne...