public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags web2.0 & flickr


data: URI Generator - Convert Online Tool for Icon, image to import it in greasemonkey Script -

data: URI Generator The data: URI scheme allows you to build URLs that embed small data objects. data: URIs are supported by most modern browsers except for Internet Explorer. The lack of IE support is holding back widespread adoption of data: URIs, but they are still very useful in a couple of specific areas such as embedding graphics and other data items in Greasemonkey scripts. You can read more about data: URIs and see some examples of their use, or use the generator below to create your own. data: URIs are defined in RFC 2397.

Etude française (été 2006) : Les étonnants chiffres de Flickr et La plus vieille image publiée sur Flickr- Suivez le geek

by 2 others
Sur les 4.8 millions d’inscrits au site de partage de photos (groupes, commentaires, favoris, contacts et bien sûr photos) : - 20% des utilisateurs possèdent 82% des photos du site. - 3,7% d’utilisateurs ayant un compte « pro » (payant) ont mis en ligne 59,5% des images. - 39% sont totalement inactifs. - 23% utilisent les outils sociaux mais n’ont jamais mis en ligne une photo publique. - 19% font des uploads publics, mais ne communiquent pas ( « Kodak Culture », clichés de vacances ou de famille). - 19% ont des photos publiques ET communiquent plus ou moins intensément. En réalité, aucun usage de Flickr n’est majoritaire. - Règle numéro 1 : « Commenter, commenter, et encore commenter » - Règle numéro 2 : choisir des favoris. Règle numéro 3 : participer à des groupes. Conclusions : Flickr tourne grâce à des petites minorités d’utilisateurs aux usages variés.


OSkope - visual search engine

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You can visually display and explore search results for specific keywords right inside your browser window. Results from Amazon, eBay, Flickr, Fotolia, Yahoo! and YouTube can be explored in different visualizations styles like: grid, stack, pile, graph and list.

CoolFlick: Cooliris + Flickr = the best way to search for images online.

CoolFlick: As the developers put it, “CoolFlick: Cooliris + Flickr = the best way to search for images online.” Cooliris gives you a cinematic way to view the web and this mashup combines it with Flickr to give you a slick way to scroll through photo thumbnails. ReadWriteWeb’s Rick Turoczy has a good overview of this mashup. APIs used: Flickr. More at our CoolFlick profile.


Organize Tools on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

add a new menu to it and utilize its great batch function. Now you can collect any photos in Organize and send to the following tools. Currently three tools are available: 1. Flickr Album Maker 2. fd's Slideshow Maker 3. fd's Mosaic Maker

Zleek____Permet de créer un album photos des plus originaux avec vos photos e Flickr.

Zleek qui permet de créer un album photos des plus originaux. En effet, vous pourrez créer un zleekbook qui sera en fait un album dont vous tournerez les pages en cliquant sur le coin inférieur droit (comme un album papier). L’originalité vient de la disposition des photos qui est complètement paramétrable : faite pivoter, agrandissez, superposez vos photos et choisissez une image de fond. Vous pourrez ensuite partager votre album photos en gérant les permissions.

Compfight___Permet de faire une recherche de photos sur Flickr et n’affichant que les images.

by 7 others
Permet de faire une recherche de photos sur Flickr et n’affichant que les images. Ni texte, ni nom d’auteur ou autre. La seule information disponible est la taille de la photo en passant la souris dessus.

Interestingness___Créé dynamiquement un mur de 500 photos provenant de Flickr

Ce site créé dynamiquement un mur de 500 photos provenant de Flickr. Ca parait sans intérêt et pourtant, allez y faire un tour et vous comprendrez.

Flickr Code__US__Le blog des Dévellopeurs de Flickr

by 5 others
Your one-stop shop for information, gossip and discussion with the Flickr developer community. Le blog est disponible uniquement en anglais mais si vous êtes un développeur ayant déjà contribué sur le groupe Flickr Hacks et avez envie de partager un bout de votre expérience

Flickr-Toolbox-100-Outils-et-Services__Mashable! France search results: sudoku

Voici une liste de +100 services/applications pour vous aider à exploiter 100% du potentiel du site de partage de photo le plus populaire du web:/2007/08/04/

The Ultimate Flickr Tools Hacks and Scripts Database____GeekTonic by Brent Evans:

UltimateFlickrTools The Ultimate Flickr Tools Database? As of this posting date, this post includes more tha350 different tools, hacks and scripts to use with flickr. And when I started gathering this list I was naive enough to think this list would have about 100 tools total...n

Destroy Today / DestroyFlickr

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DestroyFlickr explores alternative methods for viewing and sharing Flickr content. Its user interface provides an environment that benefits photos rather than hindering them. With the ability to look at a photo on a dark, neutral background, you can view it without the interference of a brighter surrounding. By using workspaces and canvases, DestroyFlickr is able to retain a constant history of where you have navigated, offering the ability to revisit an area without the need to reload the entire page. DestroyFlickr takes advantage of features provided by the Adobe AIR SDK that are unavailable to web-based RIAs. With the support of both drag and drop uploading and downloading, posting and saving photos is done in one easy motion. Now you can download the highest resolution version of a photo without having to see it first—just drag a thumbnail to the download menu and the download begins.

Picsviewr _ ___Flickr SlideShow

by 1 other
Picsviewr provides a wide variety of slideshows (currently 7) for viewing your Flickr photos with more flexibility. Every Flickr user has a slideshow here. There is no need to create an account or configure anything and your preferences are saved. Simply enter your flickr username:

FotoViewr » About__Browse Flickr Photos on the web with an Highly interactive and engaging 3D interface.

FotoViewr aims to change that by providing an amazing experience for viewing photos on the Internet. You and your friends can look at your photos by clicking on page after HTML page or you can immerse yourself in a highly interactive and engaging 3D interface.

PhotoPhlow: Beta Preview - Fun way to share Fickr photos in real time

by 2 others
Photophlow is a fun way to share flickr photos in real time. invite your friends, search together, chat and comment all at once.

Flump ___Download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.___on AIR Bus Tour

flump is a simple application that allows your to download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.Application built for the Adobe on AIR Bus Tour.

PhotoSoup __Visual word puzzle generator __ Flickr Game

PhotoSoup is a visual word puzzle generator that allows users to create word search puzzles with tag-photo pairs taken from Flickr. The tag is hidden in the puzzle, and only the associated photo is shown as a clue. The objective is to find all hidden tags in the puzzle before you run out of time.

My Flickr Photos___Flickr Online Tool__This is a quick and simple interface to access your photos to you can watermark them quickly.

Need to sign into Flickr and authorize MacroPhotos.NET to access your private photos and allow it to upload/replace existing photos. To protect your privacy, the system only accesses, adds watermark, then reuploads to your Flickr account.

Mon flickR - Tantad

si vous naviguez dans Flickr sous firefox, je pense que vous avez quelques script Greasemonkey |en] (GM). Pour ma part j'en utilise quelques un

Palette Generator: Automagically create a harmonious color palette from a photograph

by 7 others
Extraire la palette de couleurs d'une photo : Pratique pour construire un graphisme autour d'une photo, ou pour savoir quelles couleurs utiliser sur un document illustré par telle ou telle image.

PicsViewr-Flickr___Outil permettant de regarder ses photos sur son compte flickr d'une jolie manière cool

Il suffit juste de rentrer votre nom d'utilisateur Flickr et choisir de quelle manière vous voulez que vos photos apparaissent equal smile En voici un exemple: